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        So I would like to start you off with a little bit of science. It is a known excepted fact that Our Sun's enormous mass creates the gravitational pull that is strong enough to keep our planet along with many others orbiting around it. Our Sun has an undeniable influence over us and most everything on earth.Now every day the ocean waves follow a set routine known as High tides and low tides caused by the Moons gravitational pull on our planet as well. One must admit that is a pretty strong force that is capable of actually lifting and setting all the oceans of the world especially when you realize our planet Earth is 82% water.



         Now I would like you to contemplate that the average Human is comprised of up to 75% water themselves, our brains are actually around 78% water. Now if the moon can make all the oceans of the world rise and fall can it really be such a leap to assume that it would also have some sort of signifigant affect on our Brains and bodys?



         Maybe thats why so many more arrests and fires happen on full moons. But the moon is just our closest neighbor never straying far from our backyard, Imagine all the other planets in our solar system coming to and fro combining their own influence and force in this gallactic dance of the heavens.. 



         Anyhow I guess the point I am trying to make is for those who scoff and poke fun at the whole Astrology concept. Laughing at such silly business they may write off as "Ju-Ju" or "New Wave Hippie Crap". That I do consider the possibility that this may be merely some perceptions made by man thousands of years ago that coinside enough with the reality of peoples behavior  based on their birthdate, or major world events happening in a timely manner just  enoughto keep us entertained.  If you can consider the theory that astrology in one form or another is based on physical realities within this universe and if looked at objectively, maybe the laws of Physics and Cosmology viewed for purposes of the utmost importance by N.A.S.A  such as planetary alignments  for the launching of sattelites and trajectory of space crafts could also hold valuable information and insight towards other more internal subjects such as the contributing influence that shapes the consciousness of the individual human being, but also the global conciousness behind the manner which we conduct ourselves and the directions we take as a species.(ie: The dark ages versus the golden age or the 60's revolution of peace and free love versus the age of information ) If it is even possible that we  could use the data collected on our planets and their movement through space not only to map out the future path of the Voyager craft through space, but to find the probability of certain events likely to occur on our planet earth  creating a map for the future path of mankind through time.   ~Just Sayin 







Virgos                     Be Like 

 Here is a little secret I stumbled across trying to find a story i once read to read to my little ones. It's very strange and worth visiting in my opinion.. search for this location below on Google if you wish to see for yourself:


<a href=""> <img src="" alt="The Secret Door" width="100%""></a><p style="margin:6px  0 12px; text-align: center; font-size:10px;">The Secret Door is presented by <a href="">Safestyle UK</a></p>

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